Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Lõngakerija uus mudel/ A new model ballwinder. AVAILABLE ALSO NOW, IN 2024!!!

New photos, March 2024

Lõngakerija on saanud mõned uuendused, jagan neid nüüd piltlikult:

Kõigepealt tuleb kerija töökorda seada:
Setting for working:

Pitskruvi on liblikmutriga, paigalduseks tuleb korralikult lõpuni kerijasse lükata ja keerata kinni.

Hiljem eemaldamiseks keerata liblikmutter lahti ja puidust osa pöörata umbes 1/4 pööret:
Later, turn the wing nut and turn the wood part about 1/4 turn:

Lõngasuunajat saab liigutada... pitslõnga kerimiseks tuleb panna suunaja võimalikult lõngakerija lähedale. Samuti võib selles asendis ka olla teiste lõngade puhul. Kasulik ka algajatele:) 
For lace yarn winding should be placed the stick close to the ballwinder.  Also good for beginners:)

Hiljem, kera suurenedes, võib nihutada lõngasuunaja kaugemale:
Later, an increase of the ball, can move beyond:

Pärast tööd/after work:

Mõned pildid selle kohta kui kaugel peab olema kummirõngas metallkoonusest:
Some pictures of how far be rubber ring from metallic cone:



Liiga kaugel/too far:

Liiga lähedal/too close:

Nii võib juhtuda kui kummi surve metallkoonusele on liiga nõrk, kumm on märg või õline:
It could happen so then the rubber press to cone is too slow or the rubber is oily or wet:

Sel juhul aitab väike reguleerimine, abiks mutrivõti nr.10
In case you need a bit to regulate, you need the wrench nr. 10 

PRICE : 77 EUR + shipping

Kerilaud/yarn swift/haspel
PRICE: 75 EUR + shipping

Both tools are available :)  Please write!
(March 2024)

My new e-mail address: yllepal@gmail.com


  1. Mina olen ühe taolise abimehe (küll eelmise versiooni) omanik ja öelda on vaid kiidusõnu - ülikorralik töö ja kerib hästi! Soovitan :)

  2. Kas ma õigesti saan aru, et kerilauad ja lõngakerija eraldi 53€?

  3. Vajalikud asjad ülikvaliteetses teostuses. Oh, mul tuleb meelde minu vanaisa tehtud haspel, mille mu hull naabrivanamees ahjupuudeks lõhkus ja vererõhk tõuseb lakke...

  4. Oi, ma ohkan ja poetan taas paar pisarat, aga küllap tuleb ka minu aeg !

    1. Armas Elina, kurvastamiseks pole ju põhjust. Ega me kuhugi kao, kui tuleb aeg... siis lihtsalt kirjuta mulle :)

  5. Väga hea abimees. :) Kui enda oma kasutan, tuletan alati sinu kaasat hea sõnaga meelde ;) Ja salliraam ju ka :))

  6. Kuidas oleks ühe salliraamiga? Mul oleks linna ka salliraami vaja. Palju maksaks, kuidas seda transportida (kas Cargo oleks OK?)
    Ja kuna ma koon ju hiidsalle, siis kas 2,6x 1,5 oleks reaalne? Meetrit siis?

    Ette tänades


    1. Salliraame praegu kahjuks ei tee. Saatmisega probleeme ei ole, sest uut tüüpi raamid on kokkupandavad. Hinda praegu ei ütle ja reklaami ei tee :) Sinu sallid mahuvad muide ära küll. Ma ei oska isegi praegu kahjuks öelda, millal on aega jälle salliraame teha...

  7. No ega mul ei põle ka. Jään kannatlikult ootama ;)

  8. This is a wonderful winder. Yllep was easy to work with (given I only speak English) and quickly sent my ball winder and swift to me in the US. They are both the nicest that I ever used.

    1. Thank you, Sandy, for good words! :)

    2. How long did it take to arrive from Estonia to USA?

  9. Dear Ülle,

    Your Parcel arrived this Monday!
    it is AMAZING!
    Thank you and your Husband!

    Lydia from Cologne

    1. Dear Lydia,
      I`m glad you liked :) Have a nice Christmas!

  10. I received the yarm winder and ball swift today. 5 days from Estion to the Netherlands: not bad.
    I am very happy with it. Compliments to your husband. Did he use wood oil to give it a finish?

    1. Hello Saskia! The mail has been a really fast!
      I`m glad you like your tools! Yes, he used the wood oil.

    2. Thank you so much - your parcel arrived today. Just one week from Estonia to Germany. I am very happy with the yarn winder and ball swift - both work very nice.

      Gisela from Munich

  11. Hi Ülle,

    I would like to order you wonderful yarn winder, could you please tell me what to do?


    Thank you for your answer


  12. I tested it now, it´s very genious! Thank you, good work!! Heidi from Finland :)

  13. Hello Ülle,
    this ballwinder looks amazing! I love wooden products - I would love to order it - you can reach me with


    Best, Kati Mohr

  14. hey ülla how much ist the mailing to germany. this winder seems to be the one i need,,,,..

    how to order an how long does it take to get it..
    greetings betty

  15. I m considering ordering this, do you have any offers if I order the winder and that other thing you need with it ??

    And how big is this?

    Can you contact me on ninajeanette 2 @ hotmail. Com all in one line,...

    1. Hi Nina, I sent an e-mail to you already a long time ago... I hope you received it.
      My e-mail: yllep@hot.ee

  16. My new ball winder arrived today and I've just wound my first ball of handspun on it. It's great and so quiet compared to my old, tired Royal ballwinder!

  17. Dear Ülle

    I would like to order a ball winder. Can you tell me how to do this. Is it possible to pay via paypal? I am from Germany, so I need to know how to do an international payment.

    My e-mail: wally.woehrl@gmx.de

    Thank you for your answer

  18. Dear Ülle,
    same thing than "Anonymous": how to order the Ball Winder and what are the mailing expenses?
    Thank you for answer,

    1. Dear Anja,
      please send me an e-mail: yllepal@gmail.com or "yllep" in Ravelry :)

  19. Dear Ülle,

    my Ball Winder arrived on Monday, Thank you and your Husband so much, a Dream, great. I am very happy

    Wally from Frechen by Cologne

  20. Dear Ülle
    I would like to order a ball winder.
    My Email:sandra-kaul@web.de

  21. Hello Ulle.
    I would like to buy you a wolly winder. It seams very beautiful.
    I live in France. Can i pay you via paypal ? ?
    thank you for your answer.
    Carole cdcarole@free.fr

  22. Good Morning Ülle!
    I would like to buy one of your beautiful ball winders, too! Could you please let me know the mailing expenses to Munich, Germany at first?
    Thank you so much!
    Cheers, Tanja
    My email address: wilmilein@hotmail.com

  23. Hello Ülle,
    I would like to buy one of these wonderful wooden ball winders. I live in Schopfheim, Germany. My email adress is
    Thank you very much!

  24. Dear Ülle,
    thank you so much for the Ball Winder. I like it very much - it is a wonderful working.

  25. Dear Ülle,
    my parcel arrived today. A real Christmas gift.
    What a wonderful winder and swift.
    Thanks for the personal touch! .
    Merry Christmas to you and your creative husband.

  26. Olen lõngakerija värske omanik ja täielikus vaimustuses! Suur aitäh!

  27. Dear Ülle I would like to order a ball winder. My Email: petra.mieske@gmx.de
    Thank you so much Petra

  28. Dear Ülle

    I would like to order a ball winder. Can you tell me how to do this. Is it possible to pay via paypal? I am from Germany, so I need to know how to do an international payment.Meine E-Mail: jasminaholzwarth@web.deVielen Dank für Ihre Antwort

  29. Moni Deger, GermanyApril 21, 2015 at 5:49 AM

    I got the winder and the yarn swift as a present from my husband last christmas and i am soooo happy with it!!! Such a beautiful work! It is worth every cent and the long time waiting:-):-)!!! I love it!

  30. Vielen Dank Ylle und Teet, der Winder und die Haspel sind wunderbar
    Liebe Grüße aus Deutschland
    ich habe euch auf meiner HP verlinkt

  31. Hello ylle!!
    thank you very much for the ballwinder.
    today we bestowed it on my mother for her birthday.
    he was lucky all day long!

    greeting from germany!

  32. Hello Ülle,

    I'd love to have 1 ballwinder.
    2 days ago I wrote an email to you, but I'm not sure, if you got the mail.

    I live in Germany and
    I would love to have this wooden ballwinder ( Wollwickler in German). from you. It looks so great.
    How long does it take to get one from you and how can I pay? How much is the ballwinder and the shipping?

    I could phone you as well, if you like then please give me your number so that I can give you my order.

    I'm looking forward to hearing from soon.

    Yours sincerly


  33. Dear Ülle,

    less than one week after you shipped it the ballwinder safely arrived here today. What a beautiful piece of handicraft! And carefully boxed, so everything remained intact during transport.

    Thank you so much for the reliable and immediate delivery. I really shall enjoy using your ballwinder.

    Kind regards

  34. Dear Ülle!
    I would like to order one ballwinder and one yarn swift/haspel too. Please send me informations about payment and shipment conditions.
    I'm living in Austria. My e-mail: joxlmeister@gmail.com

  35. Dear Ülle!

    I would like to order one ballwinder too. Please send me informations about shipment and payment conditions.

    I´m living in Germany. My Email-Adresse: mpreu@web.de

    Greetings from rainy Germany!


  36. Dear Ülle!
    I would like to order one ballwinder and one yarn swift/haspel too. Please send me informations about payment and shipment conditions.
    I'm living in Germany. My Email-Adresse: kieneellen@googlemail.com

    Greetings from Germany!


  37. Dear Ülle!
    I would like to order one ballwinder and one yarn swift/haspel too. Please send me informations about payment and shipment conditions.
    I'm living in Germany.

    My E-mail: anjaheckmann@t-online.de

    Greetings from Anja, Germany

  38. Dear Ülle!

    I would like to order one ballwinder too. Please send me informations about shipment and payment conditions.

    I´m living in Germany. My Email-Adresse: sandra@toddy.de

    Greetings from Germany!


  39. Hi, i would love to order a ballwinder too! please send me your conditions about payment and ordering!

    Thank you very much!

  40. Hello,

    I am jannie from the netherlands. Can i order a ballwinder from you? jannie.keur@gmail.com

  41. I love this ballwinder! It´s inceridble. The best I´ve ever tested. Thank you so much!

  42. I Made my First Ball yesterday, its pure fun.

  43. I'm interested in this ball winder. Can you ship to New Zealand? I've sent you an email to yllepal@gmail.com

    1. Hello! I didn`t get any mail from you :( Please send again or give me your e-mail address, will write myself.

  44. Hi Ülle, I've sent an email enquiring about this winder. I hope you can reply soon. Thank you, Julie Place

  45. Hi Ülle, I would like to order a ballwinder to germany. please send me payment and delivery information: thorsten@just-duit.fe

    1. Hi, Thorsten! I sent an e-mail but it didn`t work and the mail came back. Please write: yllepal@gmail.com

  46. Hallo Ülle, aus zufall bin ich grad bei der Suche nach Wollsickler auf Ihren gestossen. Könnten Sie mir ne Email schicken mit allen Daten vom Wickler und was der Versand nach Deutschland kostet? Email: sabrina.zirr@live.de
    Lieben Gruss

  47. Hello Ülle,
    Could you send me information about that wonderful yarn winder? I live in Belgium.
    Thank you!

  48. Hello Ülle,
    Could you send me information about that wonderful yarn winder? I live in Belgium.
    Thank you!

    1. Please send an e-mail: yllepal@gmail.com

      sorry, I didin`t see you message before!

  49. Received my wool winder this week. I'm very happy with it.

  50. dear Ülle, I would like to order three of your wonderful wool binders for my friends and myself. Could you let me know the price for the wool binders and shipping cost. And also the approx. delivery time. That would be great !!
    Kind regards, Birgit

  51. Birgit, please send an e-mail: yllepal@gmail.com

  52. Hello Ülle, I once ordered a ball winder and I did not use it very much and suddenly the smaller rubber is broken. Could you send me the small rubber again? Please answer to johanna@frauwolle.com thank you

  53. Hi Ülle, I wanna thank you once more for the ball winder and the swifter. Your husband did a wonderfull job!👍👍👍 Please give him a hug! He deserves it!

  54. Hi Ülle, i just got my ball winder and swift today! I'm caking up yarn for my "Find your Fade Shawl" and it's so much fun. Can't stop =) The craftmanship is amazing. Thank you for this beauty!

  55. Hi Ülle,
    my ball winder came yesterday and today I picked it up from the post office. Caked up my first ball of yarn... geez, this item is abso-f*cking-lutely the best winder I've ever owned! Thanks for this great item!

  56. This ones are awesome. I really like your style.

  57. So wondeeful~♡I want to buy this winder, can it be shipped to south-Korea? I'm curious about the shipping cost, please let me know by email xemi@naver.com

  58. I have had and used your winder for many years. What is the difference with the updated model? I often have a problem that the yarn jumps below the ball and starts another ball, even with some wool yarns, but more with slick yarns. I move the ball a little lower on the cone and it works, but if that has improved I might want a new model.

    1. Hello! The winder is the same, just the post updated (it`s an older post and it says that I still sell these winders). For the winding perfect yarn ball you always must hold the yarn between fingers. In the beginning winding move the stick near to cone. Then wind a bit, stop and correct the yarn ball with fingers and wind to finish. If the ball is already too big then move the stick far from the cone.

  59. Thank you for the quick reply. I use my fingers and you have confirmed that I must move the ball a little. Thank you. (just found out how to add my name)
